Thursday 9 January 2014


I want it all !!!!! 
I want the good life I want to be happy I want control over my finances I want control over my emotions , I want that fantastic Job that beautiful house that loving man the good friends ,admiration from all I want it all 
Yes I am greedy but I'm human who nor like better thing I want the goodies and I'm not going to lie about it I'm going to keep it real,
I want to go on holidays and dress fancy when the need arises and feel great while leaving a fulfilled life ! 
That's just what will make me happy. 
How am I going to get all these things I want well I was told by my father 12 years ago that I will have to work hard for it, and I have been doing just that but I haven't gotten it all yet and I'm not happy about that but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't continue working hard,
I'm human yes I have thought of the second wife approach but well I'm not used to being Inlove and having that bed empty all the time while he warms another bed, 
I have also taught about doing what other girls do but hey I'm a lover girl there has to be a chemistry before anything and I'm very picky above all I value myself too much to be someone's pawn ,
Quick money through illegal business nor be my destiny oh I can't shout my father will get up from his grave and kill me ahhhh noooo I can't it's so not me 

I still want it all and I'm going to get most of it if not all of it and iv decided to just keep working hard you see that thing try call opportunity I'm always prepared for it and I grab it when I can because I'm a go getter I know what I want.
I'm not going to sell my self short because I want to get there with my intergrity intact. 
It doesn't mean if I fall deeply Inlove with a rich guy I won't marry him,sure I will I just want it all as long as it's real and makes me happy. 
What do you want ? 
What are you doing about it ? 
How far have you gone ? 
Do you want the right things ? 
How many times do you do a reality check ? 
Am I wrong to want it all ? 
Have you ever felt this way ? 

Sunday 5 January 2014

This feeling called love

I embarked on a journey to Benin to spend the new year with my family,and it was worth every bit of it including the stress and all the questions been asked and corrections been dished out and taken in good faith because they want me to be a better person because they love me. 
The most comical but confusing part was that I met an old flame of mine,yeaaaah I'm capable of love every human being is, 
This meeting brought about old sweet memories,how I used to scale the fence to get into his bq because his dad didn't want girls sleeping over and I was a stubborn cat I just loved to cuddle and I loved the fact that we cooked together when I was in the kitchen cooking and he was at home he would cook with me and sometimes take over the kitchen he is a great cook and lover,
How he never wanted me to go home and that was always a problem ,
The scaling of fence part was what tripped me the most it had become official that people had to scale the fence so the back yard neighbors just helped us by setting blocks even when I'm about to scale they would greet me and gist with me, lol , before I scaled te fence I would whistle in our signature tune and he would answer if he was home and it was ok to scale , even the gateman had his own tune and he would answer if the coast was clear , 
Yeah the love was rugged and strong like that I called him my black king and he called me his 1st love ,
It was a rugged ruff and sweet love but we were crazy Inlove,
Even after years he still kept in touch and I always responded like a friend not his love because I had moved on not seen him in 8 years last time I saw him a was a mother now and u had matured far more than my age required so I didn't even bother to understand when he kept on calling me to ask how I was doing and how motherhood was, 
So he called this new year and I was bored so I said ok I will meet him up for a drink so we met and we gisted and recounted all the crazy things we had done together and all the sweet moments. 
Funny though but true I still have feelings for him I just realized when we sat to talk, and he kept on telling me why do you think iv kept in touch all these years,now he is more matured and he is in absolute control of his feelings so much so I can see him hiding them and In my head I like the old crazy jealous possessive him more ( u see wahala back then I wanted him to grow up now his grown I want the old fun part of him ) but he is still a friend all the same the only person that likes my kolo ! 
So you see this thing called love if it is allowed to mature it goes two ways it's either you fall more deeply in love or you fall out of love.
Our love was cut short by immature decisions and our respect for our parents opinions because both families knew themselves and kept on telling us that we  should take care of one another(like brothe and sister thingy) we sure did that and more lol as a sharp babe ! I can't see a good thing and not partake never said I was a saint ! Lol 
Sometimes it's best to just let love be if it will be it will be,my friend saw me today and said babes you are glowing you look lovely this Benin trip did you a whole lot of good and my reply was very honest and it made me feel good as the words came out I said "it's good to be Reminded how beautiful a woman I am how much I can be loved and respected how much I can be wanted by one man and mean all to him,it feels good babes to sit with a friend and have him remind you of who you are incase you just lost yourself in the hussle of life " 
When you expreince love make it work fight the odds of public opinion hold onto your feelings for each other because everyone knows good friends make the best lovers ! 
I hope I fall Inlove like this again, all over again because it's real and refreshing ! 
Have a lovely week ahead y'all ! 

#This ones for you My Black King thank you for reminding me of how good a lover I can be when I'm truly Inlove ! 

Thursday 2 January 2014

Happy new year

Happy new year guys
This year is an opportunity to start afresh to write a fresh beautiful chapter concerning everything that makes your life more meaningful,
Let go of the past we are here today and now let's keep moving and be happy ,
This year iv decided to be happy and live my life to the fullest 
I'm in Benin right now enjoying the simple pleasures of life good food extremely lovely sense of humor from the most real people you can ever meet. 
It's only a wise man that uses the mistakes from his past to acquire knowledge,
Every experience brings wisdom every decision in life requires wisdom 
It is my prayer this year that we all become better people in order to have a positive impact on our family and communities respectively 
God is love and light may his love and light abide in our hearts daily have a lovely blessed and purpose filled new year ! Amen