Thursday 1 May 2014


She got married at a very young tender age to a very wealthy herdsman/ farmer 
She would have loved to go to school but her parents couldn't afford it so they let her go easy fast and young,
From that day she promised herself that her children would get an education have an opportunity to have a Better life 
9 months she toiled as home maker and wife atlast cries of a new born are heard mother and baby are ok, the struggle continues 
From Arabic school at a tender age she pleaded with her husband to allow her daughter go to school with a promise that hadiza will not fail them 
Reluctantly but hopefully he agrees hadiza is the prime jewel of the family she's going to do her parents proud 
Gracefully she walks respects her elders and excels in her studies the future is bright 
Hadiza says her prayers thanking God for her parents and the opportunity that they have given her 
............... There is chaos in school hadiza is kidnapped from her comfort zone where she has found out her love for education and what it can do for her 
Hadiza is terrified she is scared who are these people what do they want with her all she desires is an education and a better life a chance to make her parents proud an opportunity of a lifetime she was given 
So many questions no answers ?
Where are they taking her to ?
Who are they ?
What do they want ?
What will happen next ?
What will her parents do ?
How will they feel ?
Will they kill her ?
So many question no answers 
All hadiza can pray for is help that she may be found that her parents are ok what of the federal government will they come to her aid 
And all she can wish for is to be home with baba and mama impacting the little she has learned onto her younger ones 
She taught school was safe she taught her school was the pathway to her brighter future 
Baba and mama did all they could for her but why is she here and she says to herself I'm just a child and I have dreams and I'm hopeful 
But please I want to go home 
With each passing day Hadiza is hopeful that she will be saved 
Bring our girls home #bringbackourgirls 
They have to be here to build from where we will stop to continue from where our strength fails us !