Tuesday 9 June 2015


Being a single mom is not a curse !!! 
I would rather be a single mum than be an unfaithful wife, 
I will never trade my happiness for anything in the world, 
Getting married isn't the ultimate in life, if you are married and you do not respect the sanctimony of matrimony you have failed as a woman and a wife, 
Don't even come up to me with all that I will sin and ask God for forgiveness,or he pushed me it's the Devils handwork bullshit, 
You knew what you were doing cheating and having passionate sex with a man that isn't your spouse you enjoyed it you climaxed and came, 
In your private moments you still savor the feeling you got from the results of your lust and actions, 
You look at single ladies and you keep telling them It is my wish that you get married  and have a happy home like mine REALLY  ??? Tufiakwa God forbid !!!!!!! 
If you cannot make the man happy and do it the way you promised to at the alter walk away leave the man let another woman come and show you how it's been done staying there and  be nagging causing him unnecessary headache.
 It is only making you age more and faster, 
It is only a happy uterus that produces fertile eggs go and ask your doctor, 
You kneel and pray immediately temptation comes knocking you hug it like you have been waiting, suffering in the silence of your heart all because you want to remain MRS SOMEBODY , 
You go about cursing out all single girls because your husband is cheating on you hello wake up as you decided to occupy the lazy lads with your body and money the girls are likely to do the same maybe if you let the single guys be the babes would find husband material maybe half a yard in them, 
You didn't build with the man but you think he owes you all keep it up one day be one day sinner man go find himself for hellfire and e nor go fit return to repent again, 
Keep on judging the single moms and ladies remember you were once single and a married woman can always return back to being single and at that stage you become second hand like the rest of us single moms , we will now be the ones to school you on how to survive the hard knock life of being a single lady in her 30s who won't accept anything but the best , I might sound like I'm blabbing but experience is the best teacher ! 

Sunday 17 May 2015


TRUTH BE TOLD                   

It takes a wise person to set a trap without filling in any bait, the trap itself is the bait and also a trap,as a good listener and a kind hearted woman like most people will say I am I have sacrificed selflessly, I was always putting people before myself giving all I had keeping no love for myself loving my children sometimes became a chore,because by the time I have finished consoling my friends married and unmarried,giving loans to people who walk into shops to buy toys and fancy stuff while my children will have to make do with what mummy could provide not knowing that mummy could actually do  better,they still loved me unconditionally,I was far spent and living and thriving on superficial or borrowed love !

Sometime last year I had a sudden epiphany and realized ' I was only of use because I was a good listener ,a reliable friend ,madam fix it, the go to girl who would always give all and reserve none for herself, and I prayed and sought the counsel of God and my children and God told me to put him first and my kids next and then only then will I find peace,and I did as advised and I found my peace , 

I lost a lot of 'friends' but I wasn't worried I had my Jesus 

I felt lonely but I wasn't worried I have my children the bond grew stronger and I got to understand them more and love them more, 

My meager earnings suddenly became sufficient, I started shopping for my children more often than before ,instead of borrowing to friends and end up quarreling when payment is due or helping people who didn't need help I stopped being the assistant husband and human ATM to adults who have been granted more opportunities than I ever had, I FOUND PEACE, I was content, 

I just realized I had absolute control over my temper I wasn't angry at the world anymore I never questioned God instead all I did was praise him and thank him, 
 Yes it is not everyone that comes to you for help that truly needs help sometimes God is preparing them for the life they have ahead DO NOT INTERRUPT! 

Most often than not people are quick to tell you stories remember there's this side the other side and then THE TRUTH  !  

Peace brings happiness and I am glad I found my peace therefore I am happy, 
I am not afraid to loose more friends to me they are frenimies,I know who my true friends are they have never drained me ! 

Being focused and at peace is priceless that's where I am now and I have watched the amazing results of having the grace of God see me through no distractions no drama PEACE IS BLISS, 
It is better to be called your name than to be described by what you can offer,