Saturday 5 April 2014

MARRIAGE over rated or not !for convenience or inconvenience !

I'm an 80s 90s kid and yes I think marriages nowadays are always over rated, 
Yes overrated because some people think that marriage makes you a better person or insome cases a richer person or in other cases a beautiful person or an updated version of you,

Now here is what I think marriage should be 
Marriage is a union between two people who are friends two people who have Decided to build a life together despite the odds despite their differences ,contrary to popular opinion marriage is not a bed of roses it's a table for two with a meal that is prepared by both parties for both parties with the necessary ingredients to foster growth and the right aids to heal wounds and the right smiles to add sunshine to a gloomy day and most importantly the right words to express true feelings without losing the essence of it all "UNITY" 

So yes marriage is not what people tend it to be how can something that is between two imperfect humans be perfect ? 

In my generation I see a lot of people getting married for different reasons 
- money 
- class 
- children 
- beauty
- pedigree /social status/ educational background 
- ladder climbing ambitions 
- convenience 

Money,They seem to forget that money can buy you the things that you think will make you happy but not happiness itself ,some would go to any length to have money make money they fake it till they make it they lie they cheat they do all sorts of things unimaginable things forgetting that vanity upon vanity all is vanity money was made to serve man not man to serve money I could go on and on about this but I will leave you to figure out the rest,

Class,class is personified that person you look at that has a lot of class is actually aspiring to be like someone else who most likely is always improving on him or herself that's why the persons character always changes some even come across to you as bipolar in the beginning and you over look it and later you start realizing that the person keeps changing and you've got to always be on your toes because you hardly know that person anymore and so shall it always be when a computer is constantly upgraded it never stays the same 

Children,when you get married for the sole aim of procreation you are a tool Infact both parties are tools because at the end of the day these lovely children who are blessings from God will leave you and go a build a home, a home that would be better than yours by Gods grace and what will you be left with nothing but your tool box staring you in the face and what happens to an old tool box it's left In The garage and rot and decay becomes the portion of it so you see you end up In nothingness 

Beauty,I believe that beauty is skin deep beauty is never on the surface it's from the inside ,beauty isn't bleaching or wearing beautiful designer clothes beauty is being able to touch people's life's in many more ways than one beauty is being able to fill a room with your good aura and leave people wondering what makes you so simplified and yet so special beauty is being able to love someone who will never be able to repay you beauty is being able to show your faith in God through your lifestyle 

Pedigree/ social status etc- ask the high and mighty who have married because of this same reason take a good look at their life and it will answer all your questions 

Ladder climbing ambitions, take a tout clean him up wear him a tuxedo and present him to the royals as a dignified person you have succeeded in changing his looks but not the blood that pumps out of his heart he will always be affiliated with his roots you can change the past but never the present he will always be seen as the brushed up dude who's a wanna be childhood jokes would be shared he would laugh along like a bourgeoise  but will never know the reason for the laughter but for how long can one dwell in a skin that's not his or hers ? 

Convenience, so her parents are rich or his parents are well to do so ? It only goes to show how lazy you are how mentally handicapped you are don't you know that without them you can even be destined to be greater than them don't ever underestimate yourself 

Ok I think Iv said enough I hope this will serve as a means of re orientation for a whole lot of people so that we have less divorce cases less broken homes less children growing up thinking that it's ok to marry for convenience I hope this would heal some wounds and prevent some I hope this made sense and I'm hoping that people will marry for love and unity.
Team work has never gone wrong when the team players are selflessly dedicated to the sole aim and goal of the team ! 

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